SOBA emerged as the result of the long-term education and collaboration of a group of friends based at the Faculties of Architecture in Belgrade and Belo Horizonte. In 2010 the group was founded by Marija Krsmanović Stringheta, Milena Kordić and Bruno Stringheta, who were joined by Andjelka Badnjar Gojnić in 2018.
New alliances
The question of how we inhabit an environment might be more relevant today than ever before. As architects we first try to trace the change in how we understand space. In our work, both theoretical and practical, we strive to examine how new alliances of nature, everyday life, and social and cultural practices can merge through architecture.
We are interested in the process of redefining our sense of attachment and connection to a shared world. Through our work we try to pose questions about how an individual understands territorial space, be that urban, social, psychological or ecological, and how this understanding evolves.
In order to construct specific knowledge for each project, we cooperate with artists, designers, engineers, geographers, and architects. Every new task is an opportunity to mark a new thematic field for research and to explore new architectural tools. We turn to fragments of knowledge from other discources in order to redefine our own understanding of the environment. We try to challenge the division on people, objects and space, and to promote linkage between these as our main interest.
Each of the different scales that we work on - whether it is the transformation of urban morphology, a public space, a house or an interior – we try to conceive as a possible lure, drawing individuals to include themselves and act within the world we share. Working on a project is something that we understand as a dynamic learning process for all the actors involved, one which is inherently open ended.
Belgrade: +381 63335554
Dubai: +971 524958537
Bonn: +49 160 99227515
Contact us: info@soba.cloud